On-Site Services
We offer a wide range of services from on-site instrument service to moving an entire lab. The range of services offered includes maintenance, repair and qualification of:
Agilent Gas Chromatograph (GC) 5890, 6890 and 7890 series instruments
Agilent Liquid Chromatograph (LC) 1100, 1200, 1260 and 1290 series instruments
Agilent Mass Spec (MSD) 5970, 5971, 5972, 5973, 5975 and 5977 series instruments
Agilent headspace (7694, G1888A, and 7697) samplers
Agilent 8453 Spectrophotometers
We also offer other lab support services, including:
Service contracts that are customized to your exact needs
Sampling system support for CTC, LEAP, Archon, and other manufacturers
Consulting for instrument planning, purchase, optimization, and method development
Laboratory relocation services, including packaging and arranging transportation
to the new location for all instrumentation -
GC gas line installation of fully customized distribution systems
Instrument refurbishing to like-new condition and performance
Upgrades for older instruments where new technology can be incorporated
Training in operation and maintenance of your instrument
Software support for the data system controlling your instrument
Vap-Lock HPLC solvent waste systems and parts